
Just one of my favorite things

You know, my most favorite thing about editing pictures is that while I do it I get to listen to great preachers like Paul Washer and audio Bible for hours! And sermons such as this one.


I ♥ photography! :) 


4:00-5:45 and DOF!!!

I have FINALLY figured out how to use DOF (depth of field) and I am now in love with it! 
So what do you do with such a photogenic family and a new technique??
Practice Photo Shoots! :D 

And of course none of this would have been possible with out my professional Light Defuser Holder Elijah

The girls had fun with the new found defuser too

 "Alright ladies, lets share...." some things never change ;)

 Love this one! And the two pretty ladies you see! 

This girl don't play around! ;)